Build. Your. Faith.

1,790 sermon videos for you & me to watch. 3,752 Bible verses & 206 commentaries for pastors to prep your sermons. All in one API for developers, bloggers, webmasters to use in websites and apps.

Sermon in the context of: Putting God First

For You & Me.

Ready to deepen your faith by listening to any of 1,790 sermons while you cook or drive? Pick a theme or go by a book of the Bible. Build your faith at your own pace.

Watch a sermon

Curious why your Christian friends believe in Jesus Christ? Build an understanding of what it is Christians believe in.

What is Christianity?

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2

Explore this verse further:
Commentary on Romans 12:1-8

For Pastors.

Need inspiration for an upcoming sermon you are writing? Got a Biblical theme but still looking for a fitting Bible verse or commentary? Need ideas for a sermon outline?

Browse our index of 3,752 Bible verses and 206 commentaries, or watch any of 1,790 sermons previously preached by fellow pastors to get some inspiration as you preapre your next sermon.

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Screenshot of JSON output

For Developers & Webmasters.

Need Christian context for your site or app? Use the Christian Context API to power your mobile app or web project for free.

Designed with faith-based tech projects in mind, we built an all-in-one REST API that lets you tap into an indexed, curated set of 3,752 Bible verses, 1,790 sermon videos and 206 written commentaries.

Try the API

Note: This is the v0.9 MVP as of Jan 31, 2022. The API is stable for the content it has. We're adding more content to the catalog.