Christian Context API.

All in One API to power your Christian site or app with categorized Bible verses, sermon videos and written commentary.

Screenshot of JSON output

Need Christian context for your site or app?

Use the Christian Context API to power your mobile app or web project for free.

Designed with faith-based tech projects in mind, we built an all-in-one REST API that lets you tap into an indexed, curated set of 3,752 Bible verses, 1,790 sermon videos and 206 written commentaries.

Note: This is the v0.9 MVP as of Jan 31, 2022. The API is stable for the content it has. We're adding more content to the catalog.

Example: Sin

"If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it."
Genesis 4:7

Explore this verse further:
Notes on Genesis

How do you get started?

Use case Syntax Description
Query by theme query=theme This queries the Christian Context API to return a randomized, JSON-formatted set of a Bible verse for a specific theme, for example on "wisdom", accompanied by an exact verse-matched or at least chapter-matched sermon video and written commentary (to the degree that matching sermon/commentary content has been curated so far).

Query by book query=book This queries the Christian Context API to return a randomized, JSON-formatted set of a Bible verse from a specific book of the Bible, for example from the book of Romans, accompanied by an exact verse-matched or at least chapter-matched sermon video and written commentary (to the degree that matching sermon/commentary content has been curated so far).

Query by verse query=verse This queries the Christian Context API to return a JSON-formatted set of a specific Bible verse, for example John 3:16, accompanied by an exact verse-matched or at least chapter-matched sermon video and written commentary (to the degree that matching sermon/commentary content has been curated so far).

Example 3:16
Query by pastor pastor=name This queries the Christian Context API to return a JSON-formatted set of a sermon matching a specific pastor, for example by Pastor Billy Graham, accompanied by an exact verse-matched or at least chapter-matched verse and written commentary (to the degree that matching verse/commentary content has been curated so far).

Example Graham

Ready to implement the JSON-formatted results into your Christian app or web project? Learn how to read JSON from a URL.

List of Christian Context API content themes