How to Write a Sermon
& Sermon Outline.

Get inspiration for the next sermon you write, by finding a fitting Bible verse, reviewing Christian commentary to add your own reflections to, or watching sermons from pastors who have preached on the same Bible chapter or book. You can also review a sample sermon outline as you prepare to write a sermon.

By book       By theme       By pastor       Bible commentary       Sermon outline

Speaking in Tongues

For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful.
1 Corinthians 14:14

Explore this verse further:
Notes on 1 Corinthians

Related sermons on 1 Corinthians 14

No further sermons in our catalog matched this specific Bible chapter.

Related sermons on the book of 1 Corinthians

Josh Patterson, The Village Church on 1 Corinthians 12: 14-27

David Collister, Current Silicon Valley Church on 1 Corinthians 15:1-8

John Piper, Bethlehem Baptist Church on 1 Corinthians 10:13

Paul LeBoutillier, Calvary Chapel Ontario on 1 Corinthians 6:18

Explore by Bible book

Explore by Bible theme

Explore by pastor

Explore Bible commentary

1 Samuel 13:6-15 / The Temptation of Compromise 2 Samuel 7 / Great Things for God Deuteronomy 4:1-14 / Guarding Against Forgetfulness Deuteronomy 4:25-31 / God's Compassion When I Wander Deuteronomy 8:1-10 / Why Trials Can Be Good John 13:31-35 / The New Order John 13:36-38 / Stand Up for Jesus John 14:1-4 / Preparing A Place John 14:12-14 / The Rest of the Story John 14:15-24 / The Power To Obey John 14:5-11 / He Looks Like His Father John 1:35-42 / What Are You Looking For? John 9:1-5 / What is the Purpose of Hardship? Joshua 24:1-13 / Watch Out For Entitlement In Your Heart! Joshua 24:14-28 / The Ultimate Choice Joshua 6:1-21 / Trusting God When It Seems Impossible Joshua 7:1-26 / The Gravity of Sin Leviticus 26:1-13 / Living In Freedom Mark 10:17-22 / An Undivided Heart Mark 10:23-27 / On Guard Against Greed Mark 1:39-45 / Jesus Can Make You Clean! Mark 2:13-17 / Who's In Your Circle? Mark 3:1-6 / Watch Out For A Hardened Heart! Mark 4:35-41 / Does Jesus Really Care? Mark 5:1-20 / Tell Your Story! Mark 5:25-34 / When Life Is Going From Bad to Worse Mark 5:30-34 / Going Public Mark 5:35-43 / When It Seems Like Hope Is Lost Mark 8:22-26 / How Clearly Are You Saying Jesus? Mark 8:27-31 / Who Do You Say That Jesus Is? Mark 8:31-33 / Where Is Your Mind Focused? Mark 8:34-38 / Dying To Self Mark 9:14-24 / Help My Unbelief! Mark 9:25-29 / The Power and Priority of Prayer Mark 9:33-37 / Greatness In God's Eyes Mark 9:38-41 / Firing Friendly Fire Mark 9:42-50 / Declaring War On Sin Philippians 1:27-30 / Are You Living Worthy of the Gospel? Philippians 2:12-13 / Work Out Your Salvation Philippians 2:14-16 / No More Grumbling! Philippians 2:19-30 / Who Do You Look Up To? Philippians 2:5-11 / Jesus Christ Is Lord! Philippians 3:1-11 / What Are You Counting On? Proverbs 21:31 / Prepared For Victory Psalm 91 / God's Promised Protection Psalm 94 / The Lord Is My Helper Romans 8:1-4 / The Voice of Condemnation

Sermon Outline

As you preach the truth of Scripture to your flock to make God's love known to them, following the same five act structure that classical writers employed to captivate their audiences can be helpful as you lay out your sermon outline. As you prepare this week's sermon, try drawing your narrative arc from exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, to resolution!

Act 1: Exposition - Read the Bible passage to your congregation

Open your sermon by either reading out aloud yourself the Bible passage you are going to preach on, or ask a rotating member of your church each week to step in front of your congregation to read the week's passage out aloud.

1-2 mins
Act 2: Rising Action - Start with a brief relatable story

Break the ice by relating the core tenets of this week's Bible passage to a recent event or an abstract story from popular culture that your congregation might be familiar with. This helps your audience see that the Bible passage was not just true in former times but is also still very relevant even today.

2-3 mins
Act 3: Climax - Get deep into the passage from Scripture

Pray what God is putting on your heart this week to share with your congregation. Then expound the passage from Scripture, e.g. by using some of the Bible commentary from above this section, and draw out the top 2-3 conclusions that your congregation should take away from it and how to apply the lessons to their daily lives.

20-30 mins
Act 4: Falling Action - Share an example from your own life

In contrast to the more abstract current story that you opened with, now share an example from your own life where the verse you preached on this week has impacted you in the past. This helps you level set with your flock, especially if you can share how even as a pastor you struggled with an issue in your life in the past and the verse has helped you seek Jesus more.

2-3 mins
Act 5: Resolution - Connect it all back to Jesus

Finally, connect your message back to Jesus, how He has come to redeem us sinners, and invite those who do not know Him yet to pray an invitational prayer to start their Christian journey right then and there. Also, depending on the tradition at your church, consider closing with the Doxology or the Lord's Prayer.

3-5 mins

May your preaching travel far and wide and touch people's hearts in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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